Adrian Vladu
Research Scientist, CNRS

3041 Bâtiment Sophie Germain
IRIF, Université Paris Cité
8 Place Aurélie Nemours
Paris 75013
I am a permanent researcher at CNRS, based in Paris at the Institut de Recherche en Informatique Fondamentale, Université Paris Cité.
I received my PhD from MIT Math in 2017, followed by a postdoctoral position at Boston University.
My research focuses on various aspects of convex and non-convex optimization. I enjoy combining tools from continuous optimization, convex geometry, and linear algebra in order to obtain improved algorithms for classical discrete problems. I am also interested in deep learning, particularly in designing theoretically-grounded training methods that scale efficiently with limited computational resources.
Recently, I have been focused on developing simple, implementable algorithms with provable guarantees, using strong theory to guide the design of practical methods. I aim to show that general techniques like interior point methods can be refined with minimal modifications to achieve state-of-the-art results for fundamental problems.
My research is currently supported by CNRS and the French National Research Agency.
I am seeking a tenure-track faculty position or an industry research role.
If your department or team is hiring, I’d love to connect.
Selected publications
- STOCBreaking the Barrier of Self-Concordant Barriers: Faster Interior Point Methods for M-Matrices57th ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, 2025
- ICLRTowards Deep Learning Models Resistant to Adversarial AttacksInternational Conference on Learning Representations, 2018Oral presentation at the Principled Approaches to Deep Learning workshop, ICML 2017
MNIST Challenge, CIFAR10 Challenge - ECMultidimensional Binary Search for Contextual Decision-MakingACM Conference on Economics and Computation, 2017Journal version in Operations Research
- STOCAlmost-Linear-Time Algorithms for Markov Chains and New Spectral Primitives for Directed Graphs49th Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing, 2017Invited to Highlights of Algorithms 2018
- SODANegative-Weight Shortest Paths and Unit Capacity Minimum Cost Flow in Õ(m10/7 log W) Time TimeTwenty-Eighth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, 2017Invited to Highlights of Algorithms 2017